
Articles Posted in DWI Defense Lawyer


Texas DWI Law- Prohibition on Taking Specimen If Person Refuses

§ 724.013. PROHIBITION ON TAKING SPECIMEN IF PERSON REFUSES; EXCEPTION. Except as provided by Section 724.012(b), a specimen may not be taken if a person refuses to submit to the taking of a specimen designated by a peace officer. This is part of the “implied consent” chapter of the Texas…


Colorado County District Attorney- Fill In The Blank Search Warrant

Ken Sparks, from the Colorado County DA’s office was kind enough to quickly respond to my open records request (Thanks, Ken!). Although I may disagree with my prosecutor colleagues on the issues, it is more often than not that we can work together. If only City Attorneys were as cooperative…


Fort Worth Police- The Needle and the Damage Done

The Fort Worth Police, along with the Tarrant County District Attorney have brought the Metroplex to a new low for civil liberties. For the MADD/fascism crowd here is your hero, The idea for the ‘no refusal’ holiday actually came from senior prosecutor Lloyd Whelchel of the Tarrant County District Attorney’s…


Texas Prosecutors Training- DWI is an Opinion Crime

DWI prosecution is a threat to freedom because it is an opinion crime. href=””>it is easy for cops to file false DWI charges, or unilaterally decide that a suspect is intoxicated and arrest. Combine the vague law with the “you must arrest more” propaganda we feed young cops and you…

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