As a Libertarian/criminal defense lawyer I am often torn between my financial self interests and my political beliefs. The reality of criminal defense practice is that the more authoritarian unjust and idiotic our state’s criminal justice system is, the more we defense lawyers make. We are pump jacks over a…
Articles Posted in DWI Defense Lawyer
Kaufman County DWI Lawyer
Yes, that is an SEO friendly title and I know the blog world looks down on self promotion, but I can’t help it. I’m proud of this accomplishment and I’m going to toot my own horn for a bit. If you want something substantive on criminal justice try this excellent…
Boating Accident Reconstruction Expert
Auto accident reconstruction is an issue that comes up in intox assault/manslaughter cases. I know enough about accident reconstruction to know that I need an expert’s assistance. Being in the DFW area I don’t see a lot of boating while intoxicated (BWI) cases, much less a boating accident reconstruction scenario.…
I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a LEO Phlebotomy
In an era of swine flu you would think that drawing blood in a jail, which are usually full of staph and other nasty bugs, would be verboten. Unfortunately police departments across Texas are giving cops a crash course in needle work and setting them loose to prey on the…
Streaks and Stats
I was talking to a friend at the Kaufman courthouse who noted that I’ve won my last 3 DWI trials (2 bench/1 jury). Neither one of us could remember any attorney who had ever won 3 Kaufman county DWI trials in a row. I’m always proud to achieve my client’s…
Ask the Expert- Toxicologist Dwain Fuller
Blood evidence is all the rage in DWI cases. Like most DWI defense lawyers I need an expert to help analyze blood results. Let’s talk to one. Today’s expert is Dwain Fuller, Technical Director of the Toxicology Laboratories at a leading North Texas medical center. Mr. Fuller holds a Bachelor…
Polka Fest, DMN on DWI, and Mueller on Marijuana
Polka Fest 09- This weekend is the annual Ennis Polka Festival. I’ll be at the KJT (Katolická Jednota Texaská) Saturday night (around 8ish) to see the Czechaholics and Brave Combo. Come to Ennis and experience this one of a kind polkapalooza. Most of the polka dances can be accomplished with…
DWI Seminar- Blood at the Belo
Last Friday I attended the DWI Innocence Project at the Belo Mansion downtown. It was good to see some old friends, and make some new ones. Blood topics were hot this year with more agencies choosing GITMO style forced blood draws over actual DWI investigation. Side Note- If DWI suspects…
Checkpoint Hearing Wednesday- SB 298
Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government’s purposes are beneficent… The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding. Justice Louis Brandeis The DWI roadblock bill (SB 298) is scheduled for a hearing…
Me on Texas Checkpoints
I was interviewed last week by RidinDirtyRadio. Thanks to Ken and Heidi for having me on. Click here for the interview. A follow up- I stated that drinking and driving is not illegal. I meant that drinking then driving is not illegal (sans intoxication) in Texas. We still have an…