Ever wondered how DPS operates their DWI blood testing machine? Probably not. But if you are a DWI attorney, or defendant, this is an important topic. I am proud to present the Texas Department of Public Safety’s Standard Operating Procedures for Blood Alcohol Analysis by Gas Chromatography Interesting fact about…
Articles Posted in DWI Defense Lawyer
MADD Blog 20/20
MADD recently started their own blog. It seems no one has noticed. Comments are sparce. Not surprising since the writing is formulaic blog drivel. From the blog title it appears that neo prohibitionist mission creep has set in at MADD. Not content to eliminate drunk driving, MADD is also on…
Teaching Judges To Prosecute DWI
Is an impartial judiciary important for criminal defendants? Even if the defendant is charged with DWI? DWI enforcement has already destroyed many Constitutional Protections for DWI suspects. The 4th, 5th, and 6th amendments were long ago sacrificed to ensure efficient DWI convictions. Unfortunately MADDness and DWI hysteria are now threatening…
Kaufman’s Broken Intoxilyzer- Self Diagnostics, Repair and Maintenance
I had a pre trial hearing today regarding the broken Intoxilyzer machine in Kaufman. In Texas, technical supervisors are employed by DPS to maintain and verify these machines. I was looking to suppress the evidence from a machine that had proven to be faulty and was taken out of service.…
Kaufman DWI – Intoxilyzer Goes On Disabled List
Besides being inaccurate, Intoxilyzer machines break down frequently. Last year Kaufman County’s DWI breath test machine was taken out of service. Here is what happened. Reference Sample Breath test machines are never calibrated on humans. By that, I mean that you don’t have a human take a breath then a…
Texas DWI Blood Draw Warrants- FAQ
Texas prosecutors and the Fort Worth police are planning to celebrate July 4th by mocking the freedom our country was founded on. It’s another holiday DWI “no refusal” party and you’re invited. To celebrate the desecration of our Bill of Rights, here is an FAQ on DWI blood draw warrants.…
Austin DPS vs. Hero Judge- Update
Background- Read the original post It seems that Texas prosecutors are in agreement that judges who do not sign off on their blood draw warrants must be removed. Police state apologist (and Williamson County DA) Jon Bradley weighed in with typical blood on the highway rhetoric. A vehicle crashing into…
Austin DPS Trooper- I Want My Blood Warrant!!
An Austin DPS Trooper is furious that a magistrate refused to sign his blood draw warrant. His post provides a great insight into how cops view DWI arrests, magistrates, and your 5th Amendment rights. Here is Michael.Scheffler@txdps.state.tx.us, in his own words. Here’s the scenario…. I made a DWI arrest last…
MADD- When Lying Isn’t Enough
I’m never surprised when MADD lies to further their agenda. However, this is a new low, even for them.
DWI- .00 and still arrested!
Thanks for William for sending the link. A shocking story in Phoenix highlights all that is wrong with DWI enforcement. Here is the story- Jason Squires is a DWI attorney in Arizona. Mr. Squires gets a not guilty verdict on an “extreme” DWI case. Officer Bond Gonzalez was a witness…