
Articles Posted in Kaufman County Criminal Defense Lawyer


Andrew Jordan to run for Kaufman County District Attorney

Kaufman county chief public defender Andrew Jordan is going to run for Kaufman District Attorney. My source? Andrew told me Friday. The GOP primary/de facto election is in March. Candidates have until January to file. Mr. Jordan and Kaufman DA Rick Harrison met Friday to discuss the election. I was…


Kaufman Bar Meeting- The Texas Supreme Court is to Big Business what the Court of Criminal Appeals is to Prosecutors.

Today was the monthly Kaufman County Bar meeting. We had an excellent civil law roundup by Crandall, Texas Attorney Keena Greyling. I’m very limited in my civil practice and I don’t follow all the latest developments in insurance law etc. That being said, it’s easy to predict the trends in…


Riding Dirty in Kaufman County

Kaufman is the county east of Dallas. Kaufman county is served by three major east-west highways; I-20, 175, and I-80. These highways see a steady flow of Dallas commuters, locals driving to Dallas and back for entertainment, Shreveport gamblers, and drug couriers. Basically, money comes from the east to Dallas,…


So much for the new Kaufman County Courthouse

No new Kaufman county courthouse. County commissioners rejected, by a 3-2 vote, negotiating a planning fee with an architectural firm. Needless to say the response from those who work at the courthouse was not enthusiastic. From Kaufman With a 3-to-2 vote Monday, commissioners opposed a motion authorizing County Judge…


Dallas vs. Kaufman County- Criminal Defense

Kaufman is the county east of Dallas. Geographically we are neighbors, but we each have unique criminal justice systems. As a lawyer who operates in both worlds let me offer a comparison. First, the part of criminal defense that actually matters is the same in both counties. The law, working…

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