Wow. It only took nine months but Barack Obama actually moved to limit federal power and increase State’s rights. When Texas finally passes our MM laws (I’m guessing around 2109 after the other 49 states legalize), then our fellow Texans MM patients will not have to live in fear of…
Articles Posted in Marijuana
Evil NAFTA- Let’s import pot prisoners
You know what America needs, more people in jail on federal drug charges. Why limit the tyranny of cannabis prohibition to Americans? Let’s spread Nixon’s WOD all over the continent and import Canadians for incarceration! Hope and Change! Our latest political prisoner in the war on weed is Marc Emery.…
NORML Legal Seminar- Key West
Just booked my trip to the NORML legal seminar in Key West. I’ve been on the NORML legal committee ever since I opened my private practice. I’d like to encourage any lawyer who is ashamed of cannabis prohibition to join the NLC. Besides the justness of the cause being an…
What I tell marijuana defendants
Every cannabis defendant I meet gets a few self defense tips at our consultation. Until we legalize cannabis cops are going to arrest for it. Regardless of the life altering consequences, or if the defendant is a good person, or if you “help” the police by being honest the full…
Tuesday Thoughts
I’ve discovered there is an inverse relationship between blogging and legal work. I’m grateful to be busy in this economy, but it’s giving me blog fail. What I do have time for is another roundup!! On Sotomayor- First, I’ll admit I have not done an exhaustive study of her opinions.…
How much does marijuana cost in Terrell?
I had another two court day; morning in Dallas, and afternoon in Kaufman. I had a few passes and an open plea in Dallas. I saw a few friends at the courthouse one of whom pointed out a MADD courthouse runner. MADD sends spies to the courthouse to monitor the…
I take two steps forwards, you take two steps back
Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act No issue better highlights the moral bankruptcy of law enforcement than the federal prosecution of state licensed and legal medical marijuana providers. Since SCOTUS long ago nuetered the 9th and 10th Amendment we now require a federal law that states the obvious; the feds should…
Polka Fest, DMN on DWI, and Mueller on Marijuana
Polka Fest 09- This weekend is the annual Ennis Polka Festival. I’ll be at the KJT (Katolická Jednota Texaská) Saturday night (around 8ish) to see the Czechaholics and Brave Combo. Come to Ennis and experience this one of a kind polkapalooza. Most of the polka dances can be accomplished with…
Who are marijuana defendants?
I have interacted with hundreds of cannabis consumers. First as a public defender, then a prosecutor, and finally as a private defense attorney. Much of the debate over cannabis prohibition is about the plant and the effects of smoking said plant. Let me share my experience with the more important…
Dallas Court of Appeals Case of the Day- Plano PD fakes car burglary to bust pot smokers
Did you know the police are allowed to lie to you? It’s true. The police can make up facts out of whole cloth and present them as fact. What if the police wanted you to open the door to your house so they could peek inside? One would think that…