Here’s a paragraph that makes my libertarian blood boil. So, while the initial stop itself was illegal (emphasis mine), Grijalva never went beyond the bounds of what would have been constitutionally permissible had the stop in fact been justified at its inception. Under these circumstances, applying the law, as we…
Articles Posted in War on Drugs
Economics of Prohibition- Video
What’s the definition of insanity again?
DPS tracks your prescription information
The most frightening Texas law enforcement story of the day comes from CBS in Dallas. It appears that DPS has an online database that stores your prescription information. DPS has been hacked in the past, one can assume it’s only a matter of time before this database is also breached.…
Mesquite PD Officer Corrupted By Drug War
If drugs were legal, if officers weren’t routinely confronted by thousands, ten of thousands, and hundreds of thousands in black market profits (in cash no less), John McAllister would still be a police officer. Instead, the former head of the Narcotics Unit of Mesquite PD is facing a federal charge…
Thank the DEA for Crystal Meth
If there is one book every prosecutor, LEO, and judge should have to read it is The Economics of Prohibition by Mark Thornton (available for FREE here). TEOP explains, with a precision and clarity that can only be found in economic theory, the set-your-watch-by-it predictability of Prohibition’s horrible externalities. That…
DeLay’s Justice, was often Justice Denied
The system has eaten one of it’s own. The Hammer got 3 to do, and 5 for 10. The same tuff on crime ethos that Tom championed for years has finally bitten him in the ass. Here’s newly minted felon, Tom DeLay, on crime. From OnTheIssues.Org Voted NO on funding…
God and Tokers, Reconciled?
In case you missed it, Pat Robertson, yes that Pat Robertson, is questioning the wisdom of cannabis prohibition. I’m amazed it took this long for a Christian Conservative leader to come out against arresting and prosecuting adults for smoking weed. It seems to violate the Golden Rule/ “love your neighbor…
LEAPing with the Rotarians
I had my first speaking gig for LEAP today. I’ve been a member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition for a few years now and I was excited at the opportunity to present some our ideas to the Richardson Rotary Club. First, I’d like to thank the Rotarians for the opportunity.…
Joe Barton wants the feds to arrest medical marijuana patients
As a cannabis legalization advocate I often email my pols and ask them to consider supporting various common sense reform measures. One recent email to Joe Barton sought support for a measure to end the federal prosecution of state sanctioned medical marijuana patients. Being as the Republican party is, or…
Ron Washington- Driving that train, high on cocaine
Texas Ranger’s Manager Ron Washington recently admitted that he used a little blow last year and that it was a one time deal. He’s really sorry and promises not to do it again. At least one local sportstwriter calling for Ron’s immediate termination. That’s a position that can be debated.…