For those new to the blog I am a member of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Law’s (NORML) legal comittee. I used to prosecute pot cases, now I defend them. My goal is for a future in which lawyers will do neither. That being said, here is…
Articles Posted in War on Drugs
Collin County Sheriff Deputy Takes Second Job With Drug Cartel
DMN reports that a Collin County Sheriff Deputy, Robert Benavidez, has been charged with abuse of official capacity. Allegedly, Mr. Benavidez has been working for a Mexican Drug Cartel, the Zetas. Let’s look at this story from a two angles. Prohibition=Corruption Only 3 entities can supply drugs to the American…
ONDCP/ “We legalized drugs and it didn’t work”
Whenever I feel short of inspiration for blogging I can always turn to If you have never read my blog before PB is the official government “blog” for Prohibition propaganda. Here is a recent story- Violent Pharmacy Crime If only we legalized, taxed, and regulated prescription drugs, this kind…
George W. Bush- On Cocaine
Scott McClelland, the former White House press secretary, has written a new book about his time serving the Bush regime. As most of you know, President Bush is a former alcoholic who was rumored to have used cocaine in his earlier days. However, since Bush is well connected neither his…
The Cory Maye Tragedy- Reason.TV
The story of Cory Maye encapsulates the worst of our drug war- racism, injustice, loss of civil liberties, and needless death. Drew Carey produces another must see Reason.TV episode.
SDSU Drug Bust- Point, Counterpoint
DEA managed to bust some San Diego State students who were allegedly selling drugs. Since when does the SDSU party scene warrant federal intervention? The investigation started when SDSU lost a student to an overdose. The DEA loves piggybacking on tragedy to try and legitimize their existence. From the DEA-…
John Stuart Mill- On Liberty, and the Drug War
I’ve just finished the John Stuart Mill classic On Liberty. JSM was a 19th century philosopher and political economist. Inter alia, JSM is famous for his refinement of the harm principle. The harm principle is a foundation of modern libertarian (or classical liberal) thought. The HP as explained by JSM-…
Virginia vs Moore- SCOTUS Holds That Illegal Police Conduct Is Ok If Cops Find Drugs
No one saves a drug search like our Supreme Court. It seems that few Constitutional protections apply if the police find drugs. . The latest example is Virginia vs. Moore. SCOTUS in their own words Held: The police did not violate the Fourth Amendment when they made an arrest that…
.39 acres vs. The State of Texas- Asset Forfeiture Disgrace
Recently, the 6th Court of Appeals (Texarkana) released an opinion in.39 acres vs. the State of Texas . In Texas, asset forfeiture cases list the property as the defendant. For example, The State of Texas vs. Ford F-150, or The State of Texas vs. $24,762 are potential forfeiture case names.…
Dallas Felony Court Backlog- Opportunity Costs Strike Again!
DMN reports that Dallas County Criminal courts have a growing backlog of felony cases.. Even with the addition of two new felony courts in 2005 the number of pending cases is still growing each year. DMN estimates there are 24,126 pending felony cases in Dallas. What could possibly cause such…