The Kaufman County Bar met today. The luncheon was held at Maples Hall, a restored building from 1890 that you can rent for gatherings. It’s an amazing structure and I highly recommend it. If you are in Kaufman, and need to meet for any reason, use Maples Hall.
Kaufman DWI Court
Kaufman is instituting a new DWI court program. What is DWI court? Basically, it’s a new way for our criminal justice system to address addiction. The old way of addressing addiction- incarceration, has not proven effective at changing behavior. An alcoholic who leaves jail is still an alcoholic.
How do you get in DWI court?
This program is designed for felony DWI cases, as well as those on probation who are showing signs of addiction (failed UA’s, drinking). Instead of being revoked and incarcerated these defendants will enter the DWI court program.
DWI court requires the probationers to meet with the judge every week to discuss their situation. Defendants will be responsible for attending AA/NA meetings, and getting medical treatment or counseling.
Any criminal defense lawyer will eventually have clients with addiction problems. I encourage my clients to solve these issues outside of the criminal justice system before accepting a plea bargain for probation. While I’m never exited when my clients are found guilty and put on probation I hope this new probation program will be a success.