
Medical Marijuana Continues To Disobey Federal Schedule I Definition

Headlines From Reuters-
<strongLow-dose pot eases pain while keeping mind clear

According to these Reuters people something called a “double blind placebo controlled randomized study” concluded that smoking marijuana was a safe and effective treatment for pain.

Yeah right. Maybe these “researchers” and “medical doctors” didn’t realize that Richard Nixon declared marijuana medically useless over 20 years ago. Tricky Dick didn’t need any placebos or double blind randomizing to reach that conclusion. Nixon just knew pot was bad.

The hundreds of federal employees fighting marijuana use wouldn’t lie to us. Who do these Reuters people think we are? They must be terrorist supporting marijuana addicts

Reuters states that this “research” was done by the Center for Medical Cannabis Research at the University of California. That can’t be true. Since marijuana has no medical use their couldn’t be an entire research center dedicated to studying the medical use of pot. That would be like having a Center for Medical Unicorn Research.

Luckily Americans don’t have to rely on this “Reuters” for news. We can still turn to the bastion of truth and integrity ONDCP, for unbiased, honest, and credible medical marijuana information.

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