Just booked my trip to the NORML legal seminar in Key West. I’ve been on the NORML legal committee ever since I opened my private practice. I’d like to encourage any lawyer who is ashamed of cannabis prohibition to join the NLC.
Besides the justness of the cause being an NLC member usually pays for itself. Cannabis consumers/producers and medical marijuana patients appreciate an attorney who won’t judge them, and recognizes that these defendants are America’s political prisoners in the War on Drugs. For far less than you would pay an SEO scam company you can join the proud freedom fighters on the NLC.
This years conference is at the Pier House in Key West. I’ve never been to Key West and I look forward to exploring the island. Do you need some CLE hours and a vacation? Meet me in Key West. You do not have to be a NORML member to attend (though you do get a discount on registration).
Any Key West travel tips would also be appreciated.