
Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


My felony case was indicted then dismissed, can I get an expunction?

Our firm handles expunctions for all kinds of cases, and we spend a lot of time clearing up misconceptions about what the law is on expunctions in Texas. The number 1 misconception is that deferred adjudication probation cases can be expunged. So many lawyers were misinforming their clients about deferred…


No one will smoke K2 when weed is legal, until then we get stories like this…

A story in DMN highlights another problem with our State’s idiotic marijuana laws. By making a very safe product illegal, marijuana, we have led people to use more dangerous drugs, like K2 or synthetic weed.  The end result… from DMN- 29 people treated at Dallas hospitals for possible synthetic marijuana overdoses…


What Happens When the State Violates a Discovery Order in a DWI case?

One reason we needed the Michael Morton Act (which improved on our State’s horrible discovery rules in criminal cases) is that the State was hiding evidence which convicted innocent people. One problem with the Michael Morton Act, and the prior discovery rules is that there is no penalty if the…


Dallas Police Sobriety Testing Training Problems- What you need to know

Here’s a story from WFAA about problems with the DPD field sobriety testing program. Apparently too many officers were failing, and it’s taken on a racial angle of sorts. Dallas police sobriety testing training practices called into question | Dallas – Fort Worth. Here’s what you to know. 1.…


State Jail Felony Drug Possession Cases

Have you been arrested for a State Jail felony drug possession in case in Dallas, Rockwall, or Kaufman County? Are you currently a recreational meth, coke or heroin user?  Here is what you need to know.Possession of small amounts (less than one gram) of street drugs (coke, meth, heroin but…

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