Yes, that is an SEO friendly title and I know the blog world looks down on self promotion, but I can’t help it. I’m proud of this accomplishment and I’m going to toot my own horn for a bit. If you want something substantive on criminal justice try this excellent…
Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog
Kaufman County District Attorney Race
The GOP primary is nigh upon Kaufman county. Voters have three Republican candidates to consider for District Attorney. With no Democrat or Libertarian candidates the primary is the defacto election. Let’s look at the two candidates I feel qualified to discuss. Rick Harrison (incumbent) When Rick won the GOP primary…
Pot Meet Kettle
Nothing is more unjust, however common, than to charge with hypocrisy him that expresses zeal for those virtues which he neglects to practice; since he may be sincerely convinced of the advantages of conquering his passions, without having yet obtained the victory, as a man may be confident of the…
FDA vs. Pain Patients-
Good stuff from Reason.TV. Whenever our government masters want more control over our bodies they send out the addiction boogeyman. In reality, addiction hype is just another trojan horse whereby our government offers the convenient liberty for safety trade. Should the government ban effective pain mediations like Vicodin? Watch this…
Applied Ethics- How to lose two clients in 30 minutes
This is a tough economy and many clients need until the last minute to come up with legal fees. No one plans on needing a criminal defense lawyer and even career criminals don’t keep a defense lawyer fund handy. Ergo, it is not uncommon for a client to retain my…
Trial Stress
I had a DWI jury trial for most of last week. I don’t blog about trials or cases in detail, and I’m not going to start here. But I would like to talk about the experience of trial stress and what it’s like to represent a defendant in front of…
Penn and Teller, Austin Police Chief, Netroot Nation, Inter Alia
Well my trial ended so now I’ve got some time to blog. Here is roundup of sorts I was working on last week. Want to be on Penn and Teller Bullshit? I got a call from a producer with Penn and Teller looking for an interview on sexting. I wrote…
KBH on the National Criminal Justice Act
What is the National Criminal Justice Act? It’s a commission proposed by Jim Webb (D) to evaluate the shortcoming in our criminal justice system. From Senator Webb. The National Criminal Justice Commission Act of 2009 that I introduced in the Senate on March 26, 2009 will create a blue-ribbon commission…
East Texas DA can’t use tax dollars to defend highway robbery program
Recently, Shelby County District Attorney Linda K. Russell, found herself on the working end of a civil rights lawsuit for allegedly supervising a highway robbery (asset forfeiture) scheme in which casino bound minorities where pulled over for traffic violations and then threatened with prosecution if they didn’t sign over whatever…
Sharon Keller = “Not Exemplary”
The Sharon Keller findings of fact were issued today. Basically, Judge Keller failed to act as an “exemplary” public servant, failed to foster the open communication we should expect from judges, and even failed to learn anything for her mistakes; but ultimately the blame lies with the defense. Nice. Judge…