
Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Andrew Jordan to run for Kaufman County District Attorney

Kaufman county chief public defender Andrew Jordan is going to run for Kaufman District Attorney. My source? Andrew told me Friday. The GOP primary/de facto election is in March. Candidates have until January to file. Mr. Jordan and Kaufman DA Rick Harrison met Friday to discuss the election. I was…


Kaufman Bar Meeting- The Texas Supreme Court is to Big Business what the Court of Criminal Appeals is to Prosecutors.

Today was the monthly Kaufman County Bar meeting. We had an excellent civil law roundup by Crandall, Texas Attorney Keena Greyling. I’m very limited in my civil practice and I don’t follow all the latest developments in insurance law etc. That being said, it’s easy to predict the trends in…


Thursday Roundup

Justice Thomas thinks it’s ok for the government to search your teenage daughter’s panties for Advil. Fortunately the eight other Supreme Court justices found such a perverse invasion of privacy unreasonable. Is there a less free place in America than a public school? If there is, it’s the airport. Trey…

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