DMN has the story of a Wylie video store owner who has his customers arrested for late videos. This piece is sure to generate some outrage in the comments section. “You shouldn’t arrest someone for late DVDs!!!” etc. I’m not sure how arresting for late videos is any less repugnant…
Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog
You have to ask for me- Lessons from Montejo vs. Louisiana
How can cops interrogate you if they can’t talk to you because you have a lawyer? Even a false confession requires significant psychological pressure. The kind LEO can only exert without your defense lawyer present. Welcome to the new 6th amendment, it’s no longer a right, it’s a privilege (you…
On Technology- My Last PC?
I hate Windows. Every day I boot up that Windows XP logo reminds me how uncool and backwards my computer is. I want to be hip, creative, apple cool. I feel like a serf on the Windows farm. I can’t leave, I want to leave. But I’m stubborn when it…
Polka Fest, DMN on DWI, and Mueller on Marijuana
Polka Fest 09- This weekend is the annual Ennis Polka Festival. I’ll be at the KJT (Katolická Jednota Texaská) Saturday night (around 8ish) to see the Czechaholics and Brave Combo. Come to Ennis and experience this one of a kind polkapalooza. Most of the polka dances can be accomplished with…
Click It or Ticket- Police Pork In Action
It’s that time of year when TXDOT rolls out the Click It or Ticket revenue/harrassment campaign. The ads are typical police state propaganda- The cops are watching you, they are coming to get you, change your behavior or the state will send the police to steal your money! Texas drivers…
Bench Trials 101
I had a DWI bench trial on Thursday (no verdict yet) that sapped my weekend blogging energy. I don’t usually blog about my pending cases, so lets talk about bench trials in general. What is a bench trial? Bench trial, judge trial, TBC (trial before the court), or TBJ (trial…
Cop Lobby To Cops- “Lawyer up if you are Mirandized”
Readers of this blog know that I am on a personal mission to inform the public of their 5th Amendment rights. If the police ever ask you about illegal activity of any kind, ask for an attorney. If you are Mirandized ask for a lawyer and shut up. CLEAT is…
DWI Seminar- Blood at the Belo
Last Friday I attended the DWI Innocence Project at the Belo Mansion downtown. It was good to see some old friends, and make some new ones. Blood topics were hot this year with more agencies choosing GITMO style forced blood draws over actual DWI investigation. Side Note- If DWI suspects…
Riding Dirty in Kaufman County
Kaufman is the county east of Dallas. Kaufman county is served by three major east-west highways; I-20, 175, and I-80. These highways see a steady flow of Dallas commuters, locals driving to Dallas and back for entertainment, Shreveport gamblers, and drug couriers. Basically, money comes from the east to Dallas,…
Checkpoint Hearing Wednesday- SB 298
Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government’s purposes are beneficent… The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding. Justice Louis Brandeis The DWI roadblock bill (SB 298) is scheduled for a hearing…