
Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Hot Checks and Herring

One of the many criticisms of the disastrous Herring opinion, is that SCOTUS missed a chance to promote accuracy and accountability in government databases. The result of SCOTUS misguided, illogical, and dangerous opinion in Herring is that innocent people will be arrested on recalled warrants, fake warrants, and other database…


Have you ever wondered why gang members don’t sell sex toys?

Scene: Texas Senate sometime in the past Senator Genius: The people in my district are scared about gang members. Senator Einstein: Interesting. My constituents are concerned with the threat of dildo sales. Senator Genius: Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Senator Einstein: A ban on gang members selling sex toys!…


Dallas Truancy Judge Douglas Dunn- Go To School, Or Meet Your “Boyfriend In County Jail”

DISD has a truancy epidemic. The district has so many truants that a special court is needed to help prosecute school children who won’t show up for their free government education. Truancy enforcement is a win/win for Dallas. The city gets the fines levied against parents, and schools get more…

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