
Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Update- DPS doesn’t know about Secret DWI database is the National Sobriety Testing Resources Center. This website limits access to police/prosecutors and shares DWI testing information. Defense attorney’s aren’t welcome. Naturally, I filed an open records request with the Department of Public Safety to see what documentation, emails, or letters they had from this group. Today I…


Dallas DA Brady violations may overturn sex convictions, highlight need for discovery reform

A Dallas Morning News story lays out the simple arithmetic of wrongful convictions. Lack of discovery for defendants plus prosecutors who hide Brady material= Wrongful conviction. From DMN Antrone Lynelle Johnson twice was convicted of sexual assault as a high school student, earning him a life sentence. Mr. Johnson, 31,…


Top Secret Field Sobriety Test Database-

A TDCAA message board post led me to the National Sobriety Testing Resource Center, What is the NSTRC? From their website Welcome to the National Sobriety Testing Resource Center (NSTRC). The purpose of the Center is to provide a comprehensive source of information regarding standardized field sobriety testing, training…

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