
Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Deferred Adjudication 101

Deferred adjudication is a type of probation that does not result in a final conviction. For example, in Kaufman County many defendants received plea bargain offers of deferred adjudication probation for misdemeanor marijuana cases, usually for a period of 6-12 months. In order to accept a deferred adjudication the defendant…


On The Drinking Age

I’m jumping in late on the 21 drinking age debate. Any law that is nearly universally ignored should be abandoned. That being said, the 21 drinking age law is not without value. It does teach young Americans valuable lessons about the criminal justice system. Lesson One Some laws are stupid.…


Happy Labor Day! Dallas No Refusal Blood Draw Weekend

Speaking of official oppression, Dallas is planning to celebrate Labor Day by violating your constitutional rights. It’s another “No Refusal” weekend!! To kick off the festivities Ryan Evans, First Assistant City Manager, sent out this letter regarding DWI no refusal weekends. A reader was kind enough to send me a…

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