I’m on a suppression win streak. My last two suppression motions in marijuana cases have been granted. Like any other criminal defense attorney I have had more than a few motions to suppress denied. As a NORML legal committee member these marijuana victories are especially satisfying. Aggregating these cases produces…
Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog
Texas Traffic Ticket Death Sentence
No person shall ever be imprisoned for debt. Texas Constitution Article I Section 18 A tragic death in Tarrant County highlights the need to reform Texas traffic ticket laws. From CBS 11 news- Ten days into serving her sentence at the Tarrant County Jail, a Fort Worth woman died. Police…
Austin DPS vs. Hero Judge- Update
Background- Read the original post It seems that Texas prosecutors are in agreement that judges who do not sign off on their blood draw warrants must be removed. Police state apologist (and Williamson County DA) Jon Bradley weighed in with typical blood on the highway rhetoric. A vehicle crashing into…
Austin DPS Trooper- I Want My Blood Warrant!!
An Austin DPS Trooper is furious that a magistrate refused to sign his blood draw warrant. His post provides a great insight into how cops view DWI arrests, magistrates, and your 5th Amendment rights. Here is Michael.Scheffler@txdps.state.tx.us, in his own words. Here’s the scenario…. I made a DWI arrest last…
Texas Criminal Appellate Court Decisions-
Appellate court decisions do not get much MSM coverage. As a public service I will try and break down recent Texas appellate court cases for the non attorney. (This process is made much easier by TCDLA SDR report). I’m often hard on appellate courts for making decisions I disagree with.…
Kaufman County DPS Racial Profiling Statistics
RACIAL PROFILING PROHIBITED. A peace officer may not engage in racial profiling. -Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 2.131 This begs the question- What is racial profiling? From the Code of Criminal Procedure- law enforcement-initiated action based on an individual’s race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than on the individual’s…
Help Save Attorney Client Privilege In Texas
The Court of Criminal Appeals is moving to abolish the special rule of criminal attorney-client privilege. This would leave defendants with a much weaker protection currently only used in civil cases. Here is the law COCA is seeking to abolish- Texas Rule of Evidence 503(b)(2) (2) Special rule of privilege…
Another Texas compound with underage pregnancy rampant- Send in the CPS SWAT team!!
Dallas Morning News has a breaking story about a government educational compound called “Arlington Sam Houston High School.” According to DMN this cult of socialized education has over 200 underage girls who are pregnant. When will CPS send in their SWAT team to protect these children!
Rick Perry Pardons CPS Kidnapping
Texas Governor Rick Perry has opined on the CPS YFZ disaster. What would Mr. Perry have to say to the hundreds of children who were wrongfully taken from their parents? If responsibility needs to be taken for [court edicts] saying that we stepped across some legal line, I’ll certainly take…
ONDCP/ Pushingback.com- “We legalized drugs and it didn’t work”
Whenever I feel short of inspiration for blogging I can always turn to pushingback.com. If you have never read my blog before PB is the official government “blog” for Prohibition propaganda. Here is a recent story- Violent Pharmacy Crime If only we legalized, taxed, and regulated prescription drugs, this kind…