
Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Dallas Police Ticket Scandal- No Punishment For Criminals With Badges

The sorry tale of Dallas Police Sergeant Walter Clifton came to an end yesterday. Sgt. Clifton was involved in the phony tickets scandal in Dallas. Here is a summary. Sgt Clifton and his officers would write many tickets to homeless or transient defendants. These defendants sometimes missed their court appearances.…


Dallas DWI- Forced Blood Draws and The Right To Counsel

Dallas Morning News has yet another story on the proliferation of DWI blood warrants. This time the Dallas Police are joining the bandwagon of cities who have chosen to circumvent the law and violate your right to refuse blood testing. What about the right to counsel? Will these DWI suspects…


Dallas ALR- A Morning At The State Office Of Adminstrative Hearings

I spent the morning at the State Office of Administrative Hearings in Dallas. SOAH is where all live Dallas ALR hearings are held. You can also request a telephone hearing. Ceteris paribus, I prefer a live hearing. A live cross examination contains more useful information than one by phone. What…

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