Texas trains DWI officers with the NHTSA Standardized Field Sobriety Student Testing Manual. The NHTSA SFST Manual is the national standard for DWI enforcement. Every DWI defense lawyer should own a copy. The manual includes, inter alia, training on how an officer should testify in court. DWI officers are professional…
Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog
Chinese Criminal Defense Lawyers Need Our Help
The 2008 Olympics are upon us. While I am not a huge Olympics fan I do enjoy the scrutiny China is facing over their horrible human rights record. What is not talked about as much is the persecution of criminal defense lawyers in China. Human Rights in China is promoting…
Pushingback.com, Steven Colbert- Comedy, Tragedy and Stupidity Collide
Pushingback.com is the “blog” for ONDCP, the Office of National Drug Control Policy. They are a full time propaganda outlet for the War on Drugs. Unlike real blogs PB does not allow user comments. PB also rarely creates any original content. They mostly link and post to articles they see…
DMN Letter, I-45 Speep Trap, Jury Nullification- Sunday Roundup
Jury Nullification-I wrote a piece for a local news outlet on jury nullification. I’ll post a link when it runs. Here is the short version- JN is the power of juries to acquit to prevent injustice. JN allows juries to determine if a law should apply or be enforced. Judges…
Dallas Marijuana, DWI/ALR, and Texas Meth Laws- You Search, I Answer
Sitemeter makes it easy to browse the Google searches of my readers. Here are some recent search terms that led readers to DCDLB (formerly IWTS). where to buy marijuana in dallas? Reader, no one in America buys, sells, or uses marijuana. Our dear leaders in the federal government have declared…
American Drug War- Cocaine and the CIA
American Drug War is a briliant documentary now playing on Showtime. ADW exposes the history and hyprocrisy of the drug war. It is a much see for any drug war supporter, or opponent. CIA/Cocaine I have always taken CIA/Cocaine conspiracy theories with a grain of salt. I believe that government…
Dallas Morning News Drug War Editorial Formula
The Dallas Morning News Editorial board has a troubling history of drug war cheer leading. Today’s editorial calls for supporting Bush’s new Plan Meridia. Plan Meridia aims to fight the drug cartels in Mexcio by sending billions in cash and equipment to the Mexican government. Bush foreign policy combined with…
Drew Carey on Illegal Immigration
Reason.tv hits another homerun with this video on illegal immigration. Drew and I both believe that we should welcome all peaceful people into America. The xeno mania sweeping Texas has led me to add a page for Non Residents on my new website. Criminal defense lawyers have a history of…
Dallas Police vs. Latino Nightclub Bouncers
Dallas Police teamed up with federal ICE agents to raid Latino nightclubs over the weekend. 50 illegal immigrants were arrested. It is unclear if any had a record. 4 guns were recovered. What were these illegal immigrants doing that posed such a threat to Dallasites? Working… as security guards… at…
Austin Drug Dog Expert- Victory Story
Drug dog expert Steven Nicely helped to defeat a possession case in Nebraska. Based on Nicely’s testimony the court found a drug dog to not be reliable. Steven was kind enough to grant me an interview. 1. Tell us about the case. Case involved a dog team from the Douglas…