A wonderful discovery by DrugWarRant. Just watch the video. I can not add anything to the thoughtful discussion.
Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog
To My First 30 Years
Today is my 30th birthday. While I’m celebrating take a look at the rough draft of new website. Any thoughts?
Texas DPS Secret Snitch Program- Sentry
Sentry, is an online snitch program run by the Department of Public Safety. Sentry allows the public to make anonymous reports of criminal/terrorist activity. From the DPS website- Take an active role in Texas Homeland Security! Join in the war on terrorism by submitting information about unusual, suspicious and/or criminal…
Drugs in Dallas Water?
A recent story about prescription drugs found in public water sparked my curiousity. Dallas water was not mentioned in any of the stories. I dutifully sent an open records request to the City of Dallas. I asked for any information on drugs, legal or illegal, in the Dallas Water supply.…
Dallas Police Ticket Scandal- 3 Fired
The Dallas Police Ticket Scandal finally reached a conclusion with the firing of three officers and the suspension of one. The officers wrote false information on tickets. These tickets turned into warrants which led to the arrest of innocent defendants. What was the police officer’s defense? Those falsely arrested were…
Texas Medical Marijuana Victory!
A wonderful victory for compassion and common sense in Texas. From the Marijuana Policy Project A Texas patient who uses medical marijuana to treat the symptoms of HIV won acquittal on marijuana possession charges March 25 based on a “necessity defense.” Though such a defense – which requires the defendant…
Go Comment on FWST Drug Story
My wife is sick, so no new material until tomorrow. Until then go to the FWST and comment on this story. It is a typical federal drug bust. ATF and the Arlington Police waste time busting drug dealers who are going to be instantly replace. One of the defendants gets…
Texas Prison Entrepreneurship Programme
From the Economist- An amazing story from Texas on the Prison Entrepreneurship Program. PEP teachers prisoners how to be successful business leaders and entrepreneurs. The War on Drugs is a tragedy for many reasons. One is the incarceration of human potential for consensual crime. Why would drug dealing felon convicts…
Happy Easter- Morality, Hypocrisy, and Law
The Post I Wanted To Write After reading A Mockery of Justice by Stephen Gustistis I wanted to write an Easter inspired post about Jesus, Law, hypocrisy and a libertarian view of morality. However, I am in Ohio visiting family. So, here is the rough draft/outline- Jesus had a list…
Texas Motions For Non Disclosure 101
In Texas if you are not eligible to have an arrest expunged, you may be eligible for a Motion for Non Disclosure. I received many phone calls from people looking to clean up their record. However, expunctions are a very limited option. For most, a MFND is the only option…