
Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Texas Prosecutors Training- DWI is an Opinion Crime

DWI prosecution is a threat to freedom because it is an opinion crime. href=””>it is easy for cops to file false DWI charges, or unilaterally decide that a suspect is intoxicated and arrest. Combine the vague law with the “you must arrest more” propaganda we feed young cops and you…


Barack Obama- Admitted Felon

Obama gave a fairly candid account of his past “experimentation” with illegal drugs. ABC News’ Sunlen Miller Reports: Democratic candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., spoke candidly Tuesday about experimenting with drugs while he was in high school at surprise stop at Manchester Central High School in New Hampshire. “I made…


Plano Police- Divorce leads to DWI corruption

DWI laws are dangerous because we give officers to much discretion too arrest. Law enforcement discretion combined with an erosion of constitutional protections leads to injustice every time. Freedom, liberty, and the now defunct Bill of Rights used to protect us from corrupt law enforcement. Today, criminal defense lawyers are…

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