Plano PD has lawyered up on the Tray B’s DWI case. I filed an open records request seeking emails, communications, documents on any internal investigation, inter alia, to confirm or deny the story. The City of Plano is asking the Attorney General for permission to keep these documents secret. Allegedly,…
Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog
Texas Prosecutors Training- DWI is an Opinion Crime
DWI prosecution is a threat to freedom because it is an opinion crime. href=””>it is easy for cops to file false DWI charges, or unilaterally decide that a suspect is intoxicated and arrest. Combine the vague law with the “you must arrest more” propaganda we feed young cops and you…
Dallas Police not looking at consumer electricity bills
After uncovering Austin PD warrant less surveillance deal with Austin Energy, I filed an Open Records request with Dallas PD. Sgt. Randy Hooper of the Open Records unit reports that no such agreements exists for either Dallas PD or the Dallas County Sheriff. Your electric bills are safe, for now.…
Iraq War Vets Struggling With Addiction
ABC news has a compelling and tragic story of Iraq War veterans struggling with drug addiction. The stress of combat, failure of prescription meds, and easy access to controlled substances (despite 70 years of prohibition) has turned some veterans into addicts. I hope we treat the soldiers better than the…
Who Owns Your Mental State? Medical Marijuana
Some headlines… Cannabis May Prevent Breat Cancer From Spreading Sativex, A Cannabis Spray effectively treats pain The DEA admits that marijuana is medicine, only if you get it in pill form I wonder how long the feds can argue that marijuana is not medicine when we will soon have two…
Saint Thomas Aquinas on Law
I’m listening to an audiobook on Saint Thomas Aquinas, narrated by Chartlon Heston. I have never read Aquinas’ greatest work, Summa Theologica. However, I did read the wikipedia entry. Here is a summary of Aquinas’ view of the law. According to Question 90, Article Four of the Second Part of…
Barack Obama- Admitted Felon
Obama gave a fairly candid account of his past “experimentation” with illegal drugs. ABC News’ Sunlen Miller Reports: Democratic candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., spoke candidly Tuesday about experimenting with drugs while he was in high school at surprise stop at Manchester Central High School in New Hampshire. “I made…
Texas Prosecutors- DWI and Closing Arguments
Closing arguments are an important part of any jury trial. After both sides present their witnesses and evidence we have closing arguments. The State gets two closing arguments- one before and one after the Defense. From the TDCAA Publication “DWI Investigation and Prosecution” comes these exiting tips on the State’s…
Phoenix to Post DWI Defendant’s Mug Shots Online
DWI has officialy achieved witch hunt status. Just like sex offenders, those convicted of DWI in Phoenix will have their mug shots and conviction information posted online. I guess the financial ruin is not enough we have to publicly humliate those convicted of an opinion crime. Where are the pictures…
Plano Police- Divorce leads to DWI corruption
DWI laws are dangerous because we give officers to much discretion too arrest. Law enforcement discretion combined with an erosion of constitutional protections leads to injustice every time. Freedom, liberty, and the now defunct Bill of Rights used to protect us from corrupt law enforcement. Today, criminal defense lawyers are…