I routinely get phone calls on Expunctions. There seems to be a lot of bad information floating around so let’s start with the basics. Expunction is the process of having records of arrest permanently hidden from public view. Failure to obliterate an expunged record is a class B misdemeanor. Yes,…
Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog
Teaching Texas Cops- DWI The Movie
I recently filed an open records request with the Texas Department of Public Safety. I asked for all videos used to train officer for DWI enforcement. I received one DVD. Here is my review of DWI, The Movie. digg_url = ‘http://www.iwasthestate.com/2007/10/review-dwi-enforcement-movie.html’; This film starts off by telling officers that “The…
I Don’t Care If You Did It- Just Tell Me The Truth
Client interviews are an important part of criminal defense work. When I first meet a potential client I spend a good amount of time going over the events that led to arrest. Police reports are only going to tell me that some cop thinks my client is guilty. I want…
Where is my sticker?
I got a call from a “State Trooper Benevolence” association asking for donations. They told me that for my donation I would get a sticker that identified myself as a supporter of state troopers. First of all, as a Texas taxpayer and occasional speeding driver I already support the State…
Texas Inmate John Smith and the Drug War
To see how Prohibition makes you less safe take the IWTS prohibition inmate challenge. 1. Go to the Texas Offender Information Website. 2. Type in a common name, or your name. 3. Compare the sentences between drug offenders and violent/sexual offenders. For today’s example I typed in “John Smith”. John…
Wylie Police Department- Secret DWI Enforcement
I recently filed an open records request with the Wylie Police Department.. I asked for any and all training materials for DWI and Speeding enforcement, including any local procedures used by Wylie PD. Like many government agencies the Wylie PD has chosen to stonewall my efforts and requested an Attorney…
ACLU Investigates Austin Energy
I posted earlier on a possible deal between Austin Energy and Austin Police. Allegedly Austin Energy was providing electricity bills to the Austin Police. Austin PD was allegedly using this information to hunt for marijuan grow houses. I could not confirm this story. ACLU of Texas sent an open records…
DEA Chief Resigns- My Boycott of Motorola Begins
Fellow Texas Tech alum Karen Tandy has resigned from the DEA after 4 years of complete and utter failure. She will join Motorola as their public policy vice president. Amazing coincidence!Motorola is also the chief sponsor of the DEA museum. I will never buy another Motorola product. Let’s look at…
Friday Quick Hits
Pushingback- “If we accept addiction, the addicts win” Pushingback.com is outraged at the idea of a safe injection clinic in San Francisco. They even borrow some War on Terror rhetoric. If we accept addiction, and quit arresting users, the addicts win. Bertha Madras, deputy director of demand reduction for the…
Incarcerex for Electile Disfunction
Brilliant. This is fairly old, but dead on in election season.