No updates this weekend. I´m in Cancun. Check back Tuesday.
Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog
Lessons from Intervention
I am a fan of the A&E show Intervention. It has a car wreck allure to it. The human misery, suffering, and (sometimes) redemption makes for great television. Intervention shows the daily lives of drug addicts. At the end of the show the addict is suprised by an intervention and…
I Miss My Badge
I am on probation. I received a speeding ticket about 6 weeks ago. Allegedly, I was doing over 80 in a 65. Unable to think of an affirmative defense (insanity?), I pled no contest and received deferred adjudication. If I complete my probation the ticket will be dismissed (but the…
Ron Paul= A Chance to End The War on Drugs
I am loathe to join the mass of presidential bloggers but this is too important. Only Ron Paul has consistently voted against expanding the War on Drugs. He realizes that longer sentences and more enforcement are futile. Democrats should support this because minorities and lower income communities have been devistated…
Lege Kills UNT Law School in Dallas
No UNT law school in downtown Dallas, at least not for another two years. DFW will remain without a public law school and another chance to renovate downtown Dallas has passed. Debate on the issue centered on the issue of how many lawyers Texas needs and which region of Texas…
Medical Marijuana- Should it matter?
The ACLU reports that a Department of Justice Judge is going to recommend that the DEA end its ban on supplying marijuana for medicinal studies. Currently, the DEA will not supply the weed docs need for proper study. Sounds like a logical move. Medical marijuana has been routinely dismissed as…
Searched Naked at Gunpoint… My Bad Wrong House
It’s amazing what little news the Supreme Court generates these days. As a criminal defense lawyer I have become used to the appellate courts backing police officers in questionable search or arrest situations (Atwater vs. Lago Vista). Still the facts behind Los Angeles County vs. Rettele should shock even the…
You have the right to an attorney….HB1178
Do rights matter if you don’t know about them? In Texas defendants plead guilty every day without ever talking to a criminal defense lawyer. Prosecutors and judges love this because it moves the docket and keep costs down. Cases with defense lawyers take longer because we actually explain things like;…
Red Light Cameras
A bill on red light cameras snuck out of the Texas house at the last minute. Basically, cities can use red light cameras for the next two years, after that they must prove that the cameras have improved public safety. The NMA,National Motorist Association, notes that there are NO independent…
Do your neighbors grow pot?
The Star Telegram has a good article on the proliferation of “grow houses” in the area. It seems that even though Marijuana is illegal and we’ve spent millions catching, prosecuting, and incarcerating pot dealers and users- people still want to use it! IWTS Truth- Making someting illegal never eliminates demand,…