Articles Posted in Kaufman County Criminal Defense Lawyer

Greetings, I am Robert Guest, criminal defense lawyer in Kaufman, Texas. I am ready to help fight your case. I understand the stress, uncertainty, and embarrassment many criminal defendants face. I can guide you through the criminal justice system.

I want you to call me now at 972.564.4644. I will answer your questions about bond, bail, possible jail time, probation, trials, plea bargains etc. The more you know about your case and your options, the better decisions you will make.

I defend any and all criminal cases in Kaufman County including-

You are arrested for DWI

In Kaufman County DPS is involved in most DWI arrests. DPS officers initiate many DWI stops on I-20. DPS troopers are also frequently called by local police to administer field sobriety testing. It is a rare DWI case in Kaufman that does not involve a DPS trooper.

You take some field sobriety tests, blow or not blow, and then a police officer subjectively and unilaterally decides you are intoxicated. You spend all night in Kaufman’s really nice jail. Bail is set in the morning between 7-9AM. In Kaufman bail is usually between $1,000 and $3,000 for a DWI first offense.

Probation 101
Despite the best efforts of defense counsel the vast majority of criminal cases end up with a plea bargain. In Kaufman County the vast majority of plea bargains involve probation. In general, compliance with probation terms means a defendant can avoid jail time.

Here is page 1 of an Order Imposing Conditions of Community Supervision for Kaufman District Courts. Let’s take a closer look at what can send probationers to jail. (Note- Probation and Community Supervision are the same thing).


First their are the obvious rules 1,2,6, 8,13 etc. Report to probation, don’t use drugs or commit any more crimes, take drug tests.

Only the War on Drugs could take the greatest companion animal ever, the dog, and make it an unwitting accomplice to Constitutional destruction. I filed an open records request for all narcotics detection canines in Kaufman County. I received the training manual and statistical history of Galvin, #DPS66.

Galvin has been brainwashed by the good people at DPS to sniff out non violent offenders… I mean to find narcotics. Galvin’s natural prey drive and love for humans has been redirected into Prohibition enforcement.

Much like baseball players drug dogs have career stats pages. Here are Galvin’s-

The Kaufmnan Herald has a good article about the Kaufman Public Defender. I was a pubic defender out of law school, it is a tough job for many reasons from bad breath to mental illness to clients who berate and.or do not trust you.

Kaufman’s Public Defender office was created a year ago and everyone interviewed glows about the office’s successful first year. By all account Andrew Jordan has created an effective office out of nothing; no small task. Texas has a handful of Public Defender’s offices, most indigent defense is handled by private court appointed attorneys.

The news article seems to focus on the cost savings to the county. Much is made over the fact that the average cost per case is down 50% over 2005-2006. Is that a good thing? I know the county wants to save money but the government created the need for indigent defense. Instead of looking for the cheapest defense maybe we should rethink our incarceration epidemic.

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