Last Minute Shopping For A Criminal Defense Lawyer
When you show up in court without an attorney it’s not unusual for a judge to set you for trial, especially if you make multiple appearances sans counsel. Judges like to move their docket, and some believe that a trial setting may be what it takes to motivate a defendant to hire a lawyer, or cop a plea with the state.
If you can not afford an attorney, be sure and let the court know early on. Ask for a “Pauper’s Oath” or “Affidavit of Indigency” to apply for court appointed counsel, or the public defender.
The economy sucks, and many of you are underemployed, or unemployed, but you still may not be broke enough to qualify for a public defender. Remember, the government’s broke too, and if the County can find a way to not pay for your attorney, they will. Most defendants prefer a “free world lawyer” to court appointed counsel, but anything is better than representing yourself at trial.