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I’ll be at the Rusty Duncan conference in June. Mark has proposed getting the blawgers together, I concur. If you’ll be in San Antonio June 26-28 shoot me an email.

I’m also speaking at Netroots Nation in Austin July 17/18. I’m in an open records panel. NN is a “progressive” media convention. If there is any liberal in me, it’s classical liberal. Today, I’m libertarian. Should be fun to meet Vince from Capitol Annex and other proggresive bloggers.


The sad tale of the CPS polygamy raid took a fortunate turn today. The 3rd Court of Appeals in Austin ruled that CPS had no legal authority to abduct 41 children from their parents. Without legal authority this compound raid is nothing more than a massive kidnapping.

How would you expect CPS to react to the court’s ruling that they had no evidence and acted illegaly? If I wrongfully kidnapped your children I would probably apologize- from my jail cell.

Check out the bunker mentality press release from CPS.

I live in Ennis, TX. Ennis is a wonderful city 25 miles south of Dallas of I-45. This weekend (5/23-5/25) Ennis is hosting the 42nd annual Polka Festival. There is a parade, dance contest, run/walk and the usual Czech food and beer. It’s a great reason to visit Ennis.

Polka dancing also isn’t terribly difficult to pick up. Whereas I can only do the chicken dance, anyone who can two step will have no problems.

Here are the bands scheudled to perform.

Here is a column I wrote for the Ellis County Press. It should run soon.

Imagine you are a juror for a criminal case. The evidence is clear that the defendant broke the law. However, your conscience tells you the law is unjust and should not be enforced. What do you do?

John Jay, our nation’s first Supreme Court Justice stated that “It is presumed, that juries are the best judges of facts; it is, on the other hand, presumed that courts are the best judges of law. But still both objects are within your power of decision… you [juries] have a right to take it upon yourselves to judge of both, and to determine the la w as well as the fact in controversy.”

The 2008 Olympics are upon us. While I am not a huge Olympics fan I do enjoy the scrutiny China is facing over their horrible human rights record.

What is not talked about as much is the persecution of criminal defense lawyers in China. Human Rights in China is promoting awareness of the abuse, arrest, and harassment of defense lawyers in China. From HRIC

The detention or harassment of lawyers in China for providing a zealous defense of their clients is of serious concern. More serious, however, are reports of physical attacks carried out on lawyers in China. In 2007, lawyers continued to be targeted for attacks. For example, Li Heping (李和平), a Beijing-based rights-defense lawyer, was kidnapped, beaten, and tortured with electric rods by a group of unidentified masked men on September 29, 2007, the weekend before National Day celebrations in China. Li was held in a basement outside Beijing until early September 30, when he was dumped in the woods outside the city. As he was beaten, Li was told to leave Beijing with his family or face the consequences. When he returned home, Li discovered that his license to practice law and other personal belongings were missing. His computer had also been completely erased. hits another homerun with this video on illegal immigration. Drew and I both believe that we should welcome all peaceful people into America. The xeno mania sweeping Texas has led me to add a page for Non Residents on my new website.

Criminal defense lawyers have a history of standing up for the politically powerless. I’m proud to fight for all defendants no matter where they were born. Federal immigration is merely a reflection of which special interest groups bribed Congress last. Why we should violate the Golden Rule to enforce morally bankrupt federal immigration law is beyond me.

A recent story about prescription drugs found in public water sparked my curiousity. Dallas water was not mentioned in any of the stories. I dutifully sent an open records request to the City of Dallas. I asked for any information on drugs, legal or illegal, in the Dallas Water supply.

The response- We don’t know. Dallas Water Utlities has never checked for these “unregulated compounds.” As much as I support legalizing drugs, I do not want birth control, lithium or heroin in my drinking water. On the plus side, next time a client on probation fails a drug test I can blame DWU.

For now, I’m sticking with Topo Chico.

The Post I Wanted To Write

After reading A Mockery of Justice by Stephen Gustistis I wanted to write an Easter inspired post about Jesus, Law, hypocrisy and a libertarian view of morality. However, I am in Ohio visiting family. So, here is the rough draft/outline-

Jesus had a list of grievances against the Pharisees, one of which was hypocrisy.

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