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HBO looks to have another winner with John Adams. I think it is fitting that The Wire is being succeeded by the story of America’s Revolution. Whereas The Wire highlights tyranny’s creation- Prohibition, John Adams is about the revolution and ideas that gave us freedom.

It is unfortunate that we abandon freedom so easily. Whether is to fight drunk drivers, stop pot smokers, or take on the boogeyman of the day Americans have rarely shown so little affinity for our birthright- liberty.

From WikiQuote-

It has come to my attention that some readers are not completely in love with the new name of IWTS. I Was The State was easier to remember and the initials IWTS look a lot better than DCDLB. However, I am working on the advise of the Justia experts and I hope these changes will lead me to larger audience.

I own and it shall continue to redirect here for the foreseeable future. I suggest adding this site to your favorites (or RSS reader) to avoid a misspelling.

I also realize the grammar/spelling/English has gone down since the move. Movable Type is a harder platform to edit. Blogger was much easier.

Dallas Needs…. Another Criminal Defense Lawyer!

I’m looking for some office space in Dallas. I’m not closing my Kaufman practice/office. I am looking to expand into the Dallas market. If you have any space/ideas etc- shoot me an email.

Opportunity Costs and Dan is a new site that publishes crime reports fresh for the Dallas Police database. It is a subscription service that allows concerned citizens to monitor crime in their neighborhood. To learn more I sent some questions to Avi Adelman.

1. Background-Resume

I have been a graphic designer – print and website – for about 20 years, mostly corporate materials but now focused on small and medium business projects.My original degree is in public relations and journalism.

I’ve just started Saying Yes, In Defense of Drug Use by Jacub Sullum. This is the book that made Bill O’Reilly throw a fit on Fox News (you tube has the video).

Thoughts from reading SY-

1. What is morally different between using alcohol and “illegal” drugs? The leading Prohibitionists (Bill Bennett etc) claim that drug use is morally wrong. Why? Because for some reason alcohol can be used responsibly where pot and other illegal drugs can not. Mr. Sullum does a good job deconstructing this idiotic dichotomy.

As free people, the contents of our veins should not be subject to a search warrant. However, the tyranny of good intentions that is MADD/DWI prosecution has convinced the public that forced DWI blood draws will keep us safe. Ergo, forced blood draws are becomming a sadly common practice.

The TDCAA message board has a recent thread on forcibly extracting DWI blood samples. Here are some comments from blood lusting prosecutors. Each paragraph is a seperate prosecutor.

In Colorado County we do a blood test on all refusal cases and have done so for

Prohibition will never work. The War on Drugs will always be a failure. There is no clearer signal than the continued prescence of narcotics in prison. If we can not keep our prisons drug free, there is no hope for a free (or formerly free) society. A mature perspective would be to accept adult drug use and end Prohibition.

Until then we will have stories like this. Two jail guards in Liberty County Texas were arrested for conspiring to deliver marijuana and excstacy to a federal inmate.

What would cause two jail guards to become drug dealers?

Terrell is the most recent Texas city to adopt red light cameras. I filed an open records request to learn more about this revenue generation scheme.

“Life and Death Realities”

Government PR 101- To quash dissent about more taxes/less freedom, talk about saving lives. Check out the “warning letter” that will be sent out to drivers.terrell+red+light

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