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MADD is a strong proponent of age discrimination. To MADD 18 year olds are an underclass of adults who lack the ability to use alcohol. MADD’s “Why 21” site MADD explains to young people why is necessary to criminalize their alcohol use.

MADD uses a tried and true method to justify age discrimination- brain science. In 1850 Robert Knox wrote that the “dark races” suffered from a “lack of quality” in their brain. What Mr. Know did not know is that his book, “The Races of Man” was at the forefront of a movement that sought to justify everything from Eugenics to Jim Crow laws with science.

MADD seeks a similar neurological foundation for tee totalling totalitarianism.

Most criminal cases still end with a Plea Bargain. In order to accept a plea bargain you must sign various documents. Most of these documents detail the crime you are charged with (range of punishment etc) and the rights you are giving up.

As a society we are used to ignoring forms and just signing what in front of us. Unlike the recent Mastercard you signed up for plea papers are a little more important. Today we are going to discuss a typical waiver of rights.

Remember the Bill of Rights? Before you accept a plea bargain you must waive it.

MADD feigns outrage to the Department of Justice report on racial profiling. MADD only opposes racial profiling because it is a roadblock (pun intended)to universal implementation of their beloved sobriety checkpoints, inter alia.

As MADD works to enact these lifesaving efforts through effective legislation,

we encounter resistance from representatives and constituents concerned that

The trial did not end the way I wanted. Hopefully, the appeal will go better.

In the case I tried, the arrest was made on 11/27/2005. The officer had no recollection of the facts in this case. He admitted that he had spent the week before trial memorizing his police report. The officer admitted that his testimony was based on that report.

Problem- Police reports are not admissible by the State in a criminal case. The officer was reciting a memorized report. My objections were overruled.

Quit letting the cops search your car. You have no idea what is in your car. Think of all the crazy people who ride in your car. Some of them use drugs. You might use drugs. Either way, just say no to consent searches.

A cop asking to search your vehicle will usually do so very politelty. A common appraoch is- “You don’t have any drugs or guns in your car do you? Then you don’t mind if I search your car do you?”

Of course you mind. It’s your car. Do you routinely let strangers go through your things?


Grits inspired me revisit Opportunity Costs.
The graph is from the FBI’s recent Crime in the US study. It shows the clearance rate for real crime; crimes with victims. A case is cleared by arrest or when a perpetrator is identified.
These numbers represent the Opportunity Cost of the Drug War. The criminal justice resources spent chasing pot smokers and steroid users can not be spent on rapists and burglars. The consequence of choosing Prohibition is that 60% of rapists and 40% of murderers go free.

According the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report police arrested over 826,000 marijuana consumers last year. The War on Cannabis is a war on ourselves. These are our friends, family, and loved ones we are arresting.

George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Newt Gingrigh, Al Gore, and most college students have smoked marijuana. Should they all have been incarcerated?

We once believed in limited government. Now we try and incarcerate our way to utopia. I am embarrased by these arrest numbers. But I was once part of the problem.

The DEA continues their consensual crime crusade. This time they made 120 arrests in an “illegal” steroid investigation.

Who cares if adults use steroids? Is it wrong only because it is illegal? Is that the moral justification to ruin lives with incarceration?

A fellow Texas Tech law grad, Karen Tandy, runs the DEA. Watch her try and justify this “bust” by pointing out externalities that are caused by Prohibition.

Do you watch Jeopardy? On Jeopardy they give you the answer and the contestants guess the questions.

DWI field sobriety tests are performed just like Jeopardy. You see the answer to the field sobriety tests in that the officer attempts to perform them for you (although they routinely make mistakes). But the officer never tells you what the question is; suspects are never told what they will be graded on.

For example, in the One Leg Stand Test the NHTSA manual tells officers to count the following as clues the suspect is intoxicated-

In Economics, the principle of opportunty cost states that the cost of something is the value of other foregone opportunities.

Example-You went to the movies this afternoon. You could have exercised, worked, mowed the lawn etc. Those missed opportunities are opportunity costs.

The War on Drugs has opportunity costs also. Every law enforcement resource wasted on Prohibition can not be used on anything else.

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