MADD’s vision for Texas
MADD has a vision for Texas drinking laws. On the MADD website you can learn about the “loopholes” in Texas drinking laws. MADD tells us that we will not be safe in the Lone Star State until we have Keg Registration, Anti Plea Bargaining Laws, Mandatory BAC testing of all DEAD drivers, Social Host Liability, lower BAC, and Sobriety Checkpoints.
MADD has lied to us before. They promised that lowering the BAC to .08 would save lives. It didn’t. We have cops wasting time arresting .08 drivers. Drivers who rarely cause fatal accidents. That time is not being spent on .20 drivers, rapists, or finding missing sex offenders.
Keg Registration? What point doest that serve? MADD hates social drinking. No lives will be saved with keg registration. It has nothing to do with DWI.