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This is getting ridiculous. For the 3rd time in 3 weeks a giant marijuana field has been found in Dallas. I’m running out of things to say about how absurd the war on marijuana is.

The field was discovered by Dallas police yesterday. The field is so big that the DEA and National Guard may be called in to help remove the marijuana.

What an efficient use of tax dollars. We are paying federal drug agents and soldiers to dig up plants.

You were arrested and you are waiting on a court date. You faithfully call your bail bondsman every week. Finally, you get a letter from the court stating that you have an “announcement” or “1st appearance” coming up.

What to do? Here are 3 simple rules for Texas State Court Cases.

Rule 1. Never wait for a court date to hire an attorney. Find one now. If your case is a DWI, you are facing a critical 15 day dealine.

Not intentionally, mad is stealing my tax dollars. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration gave MADD $400,000 of your money to “monitor drunken driving” proceedings in court.

This is wrong on many levels.

1. Watching court is free. Anyone can watch court. It costs nothing. Why they need $400k is beyond me.

The Office of National Drug Control Policy has the federal government’s first blog. Like most government propaganda it is predictably awful. Today’s post is that there may be a cocaine shortage and we should feel good about it. Historical data shows that cocaine is cheaper and purer than ever.

Why does the government need a blog to justify such an important policy? If Prohibition is such a great cause where is the blog support from the public?

Most welfare state programs have liberal blogs dedicated to their survival and expansion. Every cause seems to have a blog, why not Prohibition?

You have been arrested for a DWI in Texas. You are asked for a breath sample. You take the breath test, or you refuse. You make bail and get out of the pokie. What next?

In Texas, you have 15 days after arrest to request an ALR hearing. You MUST request this hearing. It is not an option. Call a lawyer or request the hearing on your own then hire an attorney for the hearing.

What is an ALR hearing and why are they so important?

IWTS supports free trade. The Bush administration usually supports free trade. However, when it comes to Internet Gambling, George Bush is out to protect you from yourself (and state lotteries from competition).

United States is a member of the World Trade Organization. The US is being sued by Barbados, because the US laws discriminate against foreign companies. The WTO has held that the Illegal Gambling Business Act and Wire Act both violate the free trade agreement. The Bush administration has chosen to ignore this ruling and continue prosecuting online casino operators.

Supporters of this misguided Internet gaming ban want you to believe they are looking out for you. Jim Leach (R-Iowa) said the problem is particularly acute for young people who are frequently on the Internet. “Never before has it been so easy to lose so much money so quickly at such a young age,” he said. In other words this is another piece of legislation “For the Children.”

For the neo prohibitionist crowd the main problem with DWI enforcement is that every cop has either a) driven drunk in the past b) still drives drunk c) has a friend of family members who drinks and drive. The hypocrisy inherent in zealous DWI enforcement is seen as a problem. Enter DWI “education”.

Officers who arrest for DWI’s receive training developed by NHTSA, the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration. This training centers on the use of Standard Field Sobriety Tests. There are 3 SFST, the HGN (look at my pen), the walk and turn, and the Macarena (ok, the One Leg Stand). We are skipping those today.

Let’s focus on indoctrination. Before the young DWI warriors learn the nuts and bolts of tests and arrest they first learn why DWI is bad.

And gosh darn it people like us.

The DEA recently raided a licensed legal (in California) Medical Marijuana dispensary. When you are arresting Americans for consensual victimless crime it can be hard to get the attention you deserve. To keep feeling relevant drug warriors always throws out self affirming quotes.

“The marijuana traffickers arrested today claimed to sell the drug for medicinal value, but it’s clear that marijuana’s financial value was their true motivation,” said Timothy J. Landrum, Special Agent in Charge of the DEA in Los Angeles.

A new report from the feds shows that 8% of all employees use illegal drugs, mostly marijuana. The highest rate of drug use is in the food services industry.

For what it’s worth, one of the lowest rates of drug use is in the legal industry.

I thought pot smokers sat on Pete’s Couch all day and did nothing? I guess they go to work like the rest of society.

I have joined Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. LEAP is an organization of ex law enforcement who oppose drug prohibition. I am hoping to become a speaker for the organization so I can share my views on why prohibition is a failure. Milton Friedman joined in 2006 and that is reason enough for me to be a member.

I was a prosecutor for two years. However, I never had an epiphany or great conversion against the Drug War.

The fact is, I never was a true believer in prohibition. I majored in Economics at UT-Arlington. My degree taught me that prohibition would only raise prices and funnel the profits into organized crime, it would not end demand. In law school I cringed as the Supreme Court destroyed the 4th amendment to allow more drug searches. I confirmed what I already believed by working as an Assistant District Attorney.

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