DPS Racial Profiling Stats- Collin, Dallas, and Ellis County
I recently received the DPS racial profiling data for Collin, Dallas, and Ellis County- Click here for the google spreadsheet. This covers stops, tickets, and searches by DPS troopers only; not local police or sheriff deputies.
Do you want the racial profiling stats for your county? The process is simple.
1. Email pio@txdps.state.tx.us
2. Ask for the racial profiling data for your county
3. Include your name, address, fax, phone, and email address (the stats are in excel format)
4. Expect to pay around $10-20 bucks.
A quick look at the numbers tells me that the word is not getting out on consent searches. Ellis county led the way with 294 consent searches last year. For more on consent searches, and why you should refuse-Can I Search Your Car?