Criminal Law - Practice area
Criminal Law

DWI, Drugs, Assault, Probation Revocation, Sexual Offenses, Theft, Juvenile Defense. Felony and Misdemeanor Offenses in State and Federal Court

DUI - Practice area

Driving While Intoxicated, DWI and Your Drivers License Forney, Texas DWI Defense Lawyer.

Juvenile Law - Practice area
Juvenile Law

Sexual Offenses, Drug Offenses, Assault and Violent Crimes, Theft, Truancy/School Related Criminal Charges.

The joys of flying in America. Long lines, bad (or no) food, the aroma of unwashed passengers, screaming babies, and now… the chance to be molested and/or viewed naked by TSA goons.

The backlash is growing. Write your reps and let them know how you feel. TSA is molesting children, if you aren’t going to stand up for liberty now, then when?

From drudge-

Kaufman County is broke and the pols are scrambling to find a solution to balance the budget. The County Commissioners are channeling 80’s Madonna, and adding two weeks of new “Holidays” for 2010, in which the courthouse will be closed.

Advice to future Kaufman criminal/family clients.

Don’t plan on getting arrested the week before Christmas. The court’s closed so you’re screwed if you can’t make bail. Hit that bong in Dallas, and get a designated driver back from the company Christmas party. Santa doesn’t visit the Kaufman jail.

As Kaufman County Bar President I’ve been working to start a bar philanthropy project. I’m a little worried about my ability to motivate my colleagues. Everyone is really busy, we don’t have a lot of time, the economy sucks etc. I don’t even have a Vice President to boss around (that was me, but since my promotion the position has been open).

Juvenile Defendant Literacy Project

To that end today I asked the bar to support a literacy project for juvenile probationers. I take no credit for this idea. It’s the brainchild of Juvie Probation Director Laura Peace. This is her baby and the Kaufman Bar needs to come through.

The Kaufman County Bar will have it’s next meeting on 9/15 in the law library. Chris Souza will present one CLE hour worth of criminal appellate updates. We also have some bar business to discuss. Here are the agenda items-

1. Xmas party. Tracy Booker and Houston Smith are on the committee, we can always use more volunteers.

2. Philanthropy- The last two years have been mostly about getting the bar back to basics with monthly CLE meetings. It’s time to take off the training wheels and discuss a project to give back to the community.

Last night was the showdown, the State of Texas vs. Robert Guest. Allegedly, I was speeding through some godforsaken town on I-45. The citizens of this horrible city have decided to forsake gainful enterprise and instead steal money from commuters. Theft, not industry or commerce, that’s their tax base. To that end, the city has unleashed an army of rabid officers to prey upon, and cite with reckless abandon, the driving public.

As I have blogged before, the whole muni court process is about stealing your money and inducing massive give up among defendants. Tickets have nothing to do with justice, little even to do with public safety. Instead, cops act as tax agents and harass hard working otherwise law abiding commuters, like me.

Really, should speeding a few miles over the limit be a criminal offense? If so, should it require a $200 donation to some municipality? Who set that amount? That’s not justice, that’s extortion.

The next Kaufman County Bar meeting is nigh upon us. I’ll be speaking on Open Records Advocacy and we will discuss setting up a faster courthouse wifi network, inter alia.

My 1 hour Open Records seminar is CLE certiified, so if you’re short on hours, or just want to learn how to get the government’s secrets, come on down to K-Town.

My blog has been void of new content lately. This is in large part to a just completed reworking of Guest Law Firm PC. We’re going paperless. My intern, David Ruff a brilliant law student at OCU, has been studiously scanning every file and organizing our database. I know it sucks to scan files all day, but I’ve been mixing in some exciting courtroom action to make it worthwhile. Office work may not be intellectually challenging, but he’s getting some lessons in law office management that will pay off much more that punching out Pro Doc boilerplate all day.

The end result of David’s hard work is that GLFPC made the switch from Elawsoftware to CLIO. Elaw was a cutting edge program 4 years ago, but we’ve grown frustrated by the complete lack of updates and the fact that Elaw ONLY works with internet explorer (Chrome all the way).

Elaw has a few features I really miss (automatic court appearance letters etc), but it had reliability problems that drove me batshit crazy at times. It was designed in Texas for criminal defense lawyers and I still recommend it to my PC bound friends.

I had my first speaking gig for LEAP today. I’ve been a member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition for a few years now and I was excited at the opportunity to present some our ideas to the Richardson Rotary Club.

First, I’d like to thank the Rotarians for the opportunity. Really nice people and very receptive to the discussion. I should join the Rotary club someday. The Rotarians mission of service and promoting peace and goodwill actually lines up quite well with the LEAP message.

On a technical note, I used Keynote on the Ipad for the first time. Better to test it out with a non jury audience before taking it to court. It worked fine, but the Ipad doesn’t have a remote control for Keynote- FAIL. You can use your Iphone as a remote if you have a wifi connection. But the Ipad needs a bluetooth remote post haste. I had to stand next to my Ipad and touch the screen to change slides. Not horrible, but it really cuts down on my ability to work the room.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank outgoing Kaufman County Bar President Keena Greyling for her service as Commander in Chief. Three years ago our local bar was a cluster of epic proportions.

Now, thanks to the hard work of our past two presidents we’ve got a thriving local bar association. Keena has been an outstanding Chief Executive and her dedication and hard work will be missed.

President’s Greyling’s resignation has left the current VP, me, as the new P. This is a historical moment as I’m pretty sure this is the highest office a Libertarian has ever held in Kaufman County. (Ok, these are non partisan elections, but still, we Libertarians need all the victories we can get).

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