Last night was the showdown, the State of Texas vs. Robert Guest. Allegedly, I was speeding through some godforsaken town on I-45. The citizens of this horrible city have decided to forsake gainful enterprise and instead steal money from commuters. Theft, not industry or commerce, that’s their tax base. To that end, the city has unleashed an army of rabid officers to prey upon, and cite with reckless abandon, the driving public.
As I have blogged before, the whole muni court process is about stealing your money and inducing massive give up among defendants. Tickets have nothing to do with justice, little even to do with public safety. Instead, cops act as tax agents and harass hard working otherwise law abiding commuters, like me.
Really, should speeding a few miles over the limit be a criminal offense? If so, should it require a $200 donation to some municipality? Who set that amount? That’s not justice, that’s extortion.