Every cannabis defendant I meet gets a few self defense tips at our consultation. Until we legalize cannabis cops are going to arrest for it. Regardless of the life altering consequences, or if the defendant is a good person, or if you “help” the police by being honest the full weight of the criminal justice system will be brought to bear on otherwise law abiding Texans.
The punishment for simple possession in Texas is up to 180 days in jail and a $2,000 fine. While most are sentenced to probation that isn’t good enough for me. No one should be arrested or put through the probation gulag for possessing a plant. Until things change, cannabis consumers owe it to themselves to exercise caution to avoid LEO’s wrath.
Once you have a possession arrest on your record things only get worse. Now, every time LEO pulls you over and runs your license he will think you are riding dirty. Cannabis consumers of America, be ever vigilante. Don’t count on your cop being “cool” and letting you go. Instead, be proactive and protect yourself from our state’s stupid pot laws.