Criminal Law - Practice area
Criminal Law

DWI, Drugs, Assault, Probation Revocation, Sexual Offenses, Theft, Juvenile Defense. Felony and Misdemeanor Offenses in State and Federal Court

DUI - Practice area

Driving While Intoxicated, DWI and Your Drivers License Forney, Texas DWI Defense Lawyer.

Juvenile Law - Practice area
Juvenile Law

Sexual Offenses, Drug Offenses, Assault and Violent Crimes, Theft, Truancy/School Related Criminal Charges.

Fear is the foundation of most governments.

John Adams

Government has long used fear to erode liberty and further statist goals. The War on Drugs is no different. has a story today on “extreme Ecstasy.” What is extreme Ecstasy? Ecstasy with meth in it.

ONDCP does not want you to think about the failure, death, corruption, and tyranny they promote. After all we have arrested millions and wasted billions fighting both meth and E and guess what? Somehow, both are still readily available and now come conveniently packaged together.

First, a recap-

I had a DWI trial in Collin County. The arrest was made by the Wylie PD. I subpoenaed the arresting officers to bring any information on local DWI procedures to trial

NHTSA has developed the standard DWI testing and arrest procedures. I was looking for any additional training or procedures used or developed by the Wylie PD. I filed an open records request before trial asking for the same information. By the day of trial I had not received a response to my open records request.

Rick Steves is my favorite travel author. If you are going to Europe his books are the go to resource. His travel show on PBS is also a great watch even if you aren’t going to Europe. What is less well known about Rick are his progressive, reasonable, and compassionate views on Marijuana. Rick and I are both members of NORML- the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

Here is a letter Rick sent out to the membership today. Compare his views with the taxpayer funded cannabis propoganda on ONDCP.

TV Host Rick Steves: NORML, Good Citizenship and You!

The vast majority of DWI arrests involve Standard Field Sobriety Test (SFST). The 3 tests are the Hortizontal Gaze Nystagmus, Walk and Turn, and One Leg Stand. These tests were developed by the federal government to help arrest drivers for DWI. SFSTs and the “science” behind them have never been published in any peer reviewed journal. Still, they are a standard for DWI enforcement and almost always admitted in every DWI trial.

Steve Rubenzer is a board certified forensic pyscologist and an expert on SFST. His paper, the The Psychometrics and Science of the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests is a must read for any DWI defense lawyer.

I emailed some questions which Dr. Rubenzer was kind enough to answer.

The Mornings News has a story on a Fort Worth Policy “no refusal” policy for New Years Eve. Drivers suspected of DWI will be forced to give a blood sample. A typical law enforcement holiday Constitutional desecration of the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendment goes like this.

A suspect will be pulled over for a traffic violation. The officer will then magically find all of these signs of intoxication- bloodshot/glassy eyes, the odor of an alcoholic beverage, and slurred speech (trust me, they always find all three). The officer will fax this information to a friendly magistrate. This magistrate is assigned to sign blood draw warrants upon request. Suspects will then be forced to give a sample of blood and have no recourse if they are found to innocent later.

“We’re going to get our evidence one way or another,” Fort Worth Police Chief

US News has announced that attorneys are among the 13 most overrated careers for 2008. Here is the anaylsis-

Most lawyers’ lives bear little resemblance to those on Law and Order. Even

litigators spend lots of time drafting or poring over sheaves of detailed information and negotiating with other lawyers prone to contentiousness and chicanery. And most lawyers rarely go to trials, working instead as transactional attorneys who need to bill 2,000 hours a year or more to meet the firm’s targets. That can mean long evenings drafting lengthy, airtight contracts or other documents. In the corporate world, many lawyers find little fulfillment and burn out.

I meet interesting people through this blog. Today I had the chance to talk with Steven Nicely of K9 Consultants of America. Mr. Nicely was kind enough to answer a few questions about drug dogs. Mr. Nicely is a consultant out of Austin and an expert witness on drug dogs. Here is our Q&A.

1. What is your background/experience?

I started in law enforcement and then K9 while in the Marine Corps during the 1970’s. You can find my CV at

Only the War on Drugs could take the greatest companion animal ever, the dog, and make it an unwitting accomplice to Constitutional destruction. I filed an open records request for all narcotics detection canines in Kaufman County. I received the training manual and statistical history of Galvin, #DPS66.

Galvin has been brainwashed by the good people at DPS to sniff out non violent offenders… I mean to find narcotics. Galvin’s natural prey drive and love for humans has been redirected into Prohibition enforcement.

Much like baseball players drug dogs have career stats pages. Here are Galvin’s-

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