Criminal Law - Practice area
Criminal Law

DWI, Drugs, Assault, Probation Revocation, Sexual Offenses, Theft, Juvenile Defense. Felony and Misdemeanor Offenses in State and Federal Court

DUI - Practice area

Driving While Intoxicated, DWI and Your Drivers License Forney, Texas DWI Defense Lawyer.

Juvenile Law - Practice area
Juvenile Law

Sexual Offenses, Drug Offenses, Assault and Violent Crimes, Theft, Truancy/School Related Criminal Charges.

This is getting farcical. I can not tell if I am being stonewalled deliberately or through bureaucratic incompetence. To recap, I emailed ONDCP requesting a copy of their emplyoee drug testing procedures. I sent this original request and was met with this response.

To continue, here is my reply to the ONDCP response-

ONDCP promotes work and random student drug testing. I want to see

Robert Guest for State Rep District 10

I filed with the Texas Libertarian Party to run for State Representative District 10. I can not decide how much to blog about this experience. I am sure it will provide endless inspiration but I do not want this to turn IWTS into a full time campaign blog. I am excited and I hope to spread some ideas about freedom, criminal justice, and the future of Texas.

If you are a libertarian let me encourage you to run for office. Voters need a choice between statism and freedom and the LP can always use good canidates. It is really not that hard to do. I’d be glad to help point you in the right direction. Shoot me an email if interested.

December 5th 1933 was the day America ended alcohol Prohibition. To mark the 75th anniversary, Dana Rohrabacher a Republican Congressman from California, gave this speech last week on the House floor.

Why did America reject the prohibition of alcoholic beverages? Well, when government attempts to control the peaceful behavior of its citizens, it often sets in motion forces that are more dangerous than the social evil that they are trying to control. Today’s war on drugs is perhaps an example.

The war on drugs has resulted in a multimillion dollar network of violent organized crime. The war on drugs has created the deaths by drive-by shootings and turf wars among gangs in our cities. The war on drugs has overcrowded our prisons. More

Are there cops in your bedroom? Should there be? The State of Texas has long considered sex between adults just another area for regulation. Until 2003 consensual adult homosexual sex was a crime in the Lone Star State. Like most bad laws it was rarely enforced. The Supreme Court ruled that the law furthered no legitimate state interest.

Undettered, the State of Texas still enforces a bizarre ban on vibrators. Possessing six or more “obscene devices” is a state jail felony, with a minimum sentence of 6 months in jail. Like most stupid laws, this one is rarely enforced. Only in Texas could selling “obscene devices” carrying the same sentence as Burglary of a Building.

If Texas can not outlaw certain sexual activity, it at least wants to tax it. Last year the legislature passed a $5 tax on strip club patrons to fund sexual assault prevention. The idea being that strip club patrons are somehow responsible for sexual assaults. The only assaults occuring at strip clubs are on the patron’s credit cards.

The Kaufmnan Herald has a good article about the Kaufman Public Defender. I was a pubic defender out of law school, it is a tough job for many reasons from bad breath to mental illness to clients who berate and.or do not trust you.

Kaufman’s Public Defender office was created a year ago and everyone interviewed glows about the office’s successful first year. By all account Andrew Jordan has created an effective office out of nothing; no small task. Texas has a handful of Public Defender’s offices, most indigent defense is handled by private court appointed attorneys.

The news article seems to focus on the cost savings to the county. Much is made over the fact that the average cost per case is down 50% over 2005-2006. Is that a good thing? I know the county wants to save money but the government created the need for indigent defense. Instead of looking for the cheapest defense maybe we should rethink our incarceration epidemic.

An officer in NY is facing perjury charges. Here’s a breakdown of the situation-

Cop on Stand- I never questioned the defendant regarding a shooting.

Defense Lawyer- My client secretly recorded the conversation in his MP3 player. You took my client to the interrogation room where you tried to coerce him to confess. Here is a transcript.

A great Drey Carey video for Dallas PD sent a SWAT team to bust up a VFW poker game. Absolutely shameful. Dallas SWAT continues to embarass the city with misguided poker raids.

Even the most casual observer of criminal justice can see the blatant hypocrisy of our State’s poker ban. Gambling in Texas is legal only if the State runs it. The Texas Lottery sells poker scratch off tickets, inter alia. Try and run a private poker game and we send a SWAT team to shut you down. Private poker is illegal. Our State’s gambling laws exist only to protect the State’s gaming monopoly.

George W. Bush has proclaimed December as Drunk Driving Prevention Month. I despise few things more than official hypocrisy. George Bush was convicted of DWI in 1976. He received a $150 fine.

It is unfortunate that Mr. Bush did not experience the humiliation, loss of Constitutional Protections, and financial ruin that we subject DWI defendats to today. Our President is an ex drunk who went to great lengths to hide his DWI conviction. He was afraid it hurt his electability. Unfortunately, pandering to the Neo Prohibitionists is a political no brainer.


I’m in Amarillo for a family reunion. It is my first trip to the Panhandle since I left Lubbock in 02′. I can report that it is still very brown here. The faint smell of feed lots still lingers in the air. I loved Lubbock, the weather was great and the people were wonderful.

What I’m Reading

The Victory Of Reason by Rodney Stark. VTR is a history/theology/economics book and I love it. I’m halfway through and I’ll post a review when I finish. Stark proposes that Christianity laid the foundation, intellectually and institutionally, for capitalism and liberty.

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