Criminal Law - Practice area
Criminal Law

DWI, Drugs, Assault, Probation Revocation, Sexual Offenses, Theft, Juvenile Defense. Felony and Misdemeanor Offenses in State and Federal Court

DUI - Practice area

Driving While Intoxicated, DWI and Your Drivers License Forney, Texas DWI Defense Lawyer.

Juvenile Law - Practice area
Juvenile Law

Sexual Offenses, Drug Offenses, Assault and Violent Crimes, Theft, Truancy/School Related Criminal Charges.

A State Representative in Florida was arrested for allegedly offering $20 for the right to perform a oral sex on another man. The Rep, Bob Allen, is another Republican with a strong anti-gay family values voting record. Instead of going to rehab Mr. Allen puts forth a defense of necessity.

“This was a pretty stocky black guy, and there was nothing but other black guys around in the park,” Allen, who is white, told police in a taped statement after his arrest. Allen said he feared he “was about to be a statistic” and would have said anything just to get away.

I’ve prosecuted prostitution cases, never defended one. It never occured to me that Necessity could be a defense.

I get a lot of calls about traffic tickets. Most people just want to keep the ticket “off their record.” This is usually accomplished through deferred adjudication. If you do not have a CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) you are eligible for deferred.

Deferred Adjudication means that the case will be dismissed if you pay the fine and do not get a ticket for your probation period.

Every court has a different policy for deferred. Some require defensive driving or do not allow it for certain speeding offenses (eg 20mph over the limit). A local attorney can reduce the fines, get companion cases dismissed, and make an appearance for you.

Consensual crime enforcement eats one of their own today. Dallas SWAT officer Johnny Baker was fired for having sex with a prostitute. Officer Baker is a star of the A&E reality show “Dallas SWAT.”
Mr. Baker and his Dallas SWAT team used millitary force to terrorize citizens engaged in consensual activity. Most notably, they conducted a millitary style invasion of a poker game as part of a misguided SWAT crackdown on Texas Hold Em.

Mr. Baker has denied ever paying for sex and has not been charged with a crime. Hopefully Mr. Baker will have an epiphany that arresting consenting adults should not be the business of millitarized police forces. Gambling, drugs, or whatever Mr. Baker was doing in that hotel room should be legal for consenting adults.

I am still trying to become a registered member of the community.PB asks readers to submit their efforts to push back illegal drug use in their communities.

I sent my story-

My blog,, is dedicated to ending Prohibition. When Marijuana is legal and regulated and we allow legal supplies for other drugs illegal drug use will plummet. By fighting for freedom, liberty, and against Prohibition I hope to help my community solve the problem of illegal drugs.

In Dallas we have a problem with “cheese“, a mixture of heroin and Tylenol PM that is being sold to teenagers and children. Young adults are becoming addicts and some have lost their lives to cheese. Never one to miss an opportunity that involves drugs and children, the Drug Czar John Walters is visiting Dallas today. No word on if Mr. Walters will mix in some illegal campaigning while in Big D.

I heard Mr. Walters briefly on the radio today. He advocated tougher enforcement, more agents, and more money for education.

Let me offer a different proposal. Heroin is addictive and dangerous. Since heroin is addictive and dangerous we should not allow criminals to supply it. If we had a legitimate supply of opiates for addicts we could remove organized crime from the supply chain.

I recently blogged about the ONDCP blog Pushing Back. To recap; PB is a fed blog that allows reader to “Send Comments.” As of this date they are no reader comments posted on the blog.

I have sent two comments so far and received no response (they are probably in my FBI file)

This experience has given me Con Law flashbacks. My question is; If the government creates a blog and allows for any public input, does it have to then accept all public input? has a great post on the proliferation of red light cameras in the metroplex. These cameras are popular money makers around the country.

Cities are loathe to state the real purposes of red light cameras; revenue from a regressive tax on drivers. Like most bad government policy we are told that the cameras will make us safer.

As the article points out the cameras send a ticket to the owner of a vehicle. You do not have to actually drive the car to get a ticket. Want to protest your ticket? Call Australia.

This is getting ridiculous. For the 3rd time in 3 weeks a giant marijuana field has been found in Dallas. I’m running out of things to say about how absurd the war on marijuana is.

The field was discovered by Dallas police yesterday. The field is so big that the DEA and National Guard may be called in to help remove the marijuana.

What an efficient use of tax dollars. We are paying federal drug agents and soldiers to dig up plants.

You were arrested and you are waiting on a court date. You faithfully call your bail bondsman every week. Finally, you get a letter from the court stating that you have an “announcement” or “1st appearance” coming up.

What to do? Here are 3 simple rules for Texas State Court Cases.

Rule 1. Never wait for a court date to hire an attorney. Find one now. If your case is a DWI, you are facing a critical 15 day dealine.

Not intentionally, mad is stealing my tax dollars. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration gave MADD $400,000 of your money to “monitor drunken driving” proceedings in court.

This is wrong on many levels.

1. Watching court is free. Anyone can watch court. It costs nothing. Why they need $400k is beyond me.

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