Criminal Law - Practice area
Criminal Law

DWI, Drugs, Assault, Probation Revocation, Sexual Offenses, Theft, Juvenile Defense. Felony and Misdemeanor Offenses in State and Federal Court

DUI - Practice area

Driving While Intoxicated, DWI and Your Drivers License Forney, Texas DWI Defense Lawyer.

Juvenile Law - Practice area
Juvenile Law

Sexual Offenses, Drug Offenses, Assault and Violent Crimes, Theft, Truancy/School Related Criminal Charges.

When I was a prosecutor nothing frustrated me more than Assault/Family Violence cases. The only thing worse than a “victimless” crime, is a crime in which the victim actually works against you.

Early in my ADA career I approached AFV cases with a sense of moral certainty. I had a desire to put away “wife beaters.” I had a crime with a victim. I felt good about prosecuting AFV in a way I couldn’t about DWI or POM.

I believed that I was helping battered women and stopping the violence from getting worse.

Dary Spence is a canidate for City Marshall (Police Chief) in Ennis, Texas. I live in Ennis, it’s a great city and one of the few in America that elects a police chief.

Daryl’s blog lists his ideas for cleaning up the city They include being tougher on drug dealers and gangs, more cops in schools, and better training.

Daryl’s also has been accused of calling the current police force corrupt.

Gritsforbreakfast has a great article on House Bill 1808 which would create more drug courts in Texas.

Being a former prosecutor I can tell you that incarceration alone is not the best tool for probation violators and drug addicts.

When I was a prosecutor in Bowie County Judge Jeff Addison set up a brilliant drug court, a real model for the whole state.

I finally joined the NORML legal committee. NORML is the National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws. I have always known that the criminalization of Marijuana is pointless and morally bankrupt. It leads to corruption and make billionaires out of drug lords. My only trepidation has been that so many people believe the government propaganda about this drug.

Marijuana is safer than alcohol and cigarettes, and it’s a lot of fun to boot (so I’ve heard). Tax it, use the money to lower my property taxes.

I was never a prosecutor who got exited because some kid had “dope” on him. Who is safer in our country when the cop pulls over a citizen and finds a dime bag?

My first post- You have to start somewhere. I was in Rome over the last week and I did something I would never let my clients do; I signed a confession, of sorts.

In Rome it is illegal for a taxi driver to ask if you want a cab in the airport. You, the passenger, have to ask the cabbie, but you can only ask in a special pre determined “zone”.

When my wife and I left the plane at the Rome Airport we were approached by a man asking if we needed a cab. We said yes. He quoted us a price, 75 euros, and we agreed.

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